This conference, organized for Jean-Marc Gambaudo's 60th birthday, mainly concerns both dynamical systems and complex systems. A goal is to gather researchers from differents topics (biology, physics, economic,...) whose research interacts with the framework of complex systems, and international experts in dynamical systems.
J. Aliste (Univ. Andres Bellos), Ll. Alsedà (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), J. Bellissard (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster & Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), D. Coronel (Univ. Andres Bellos), M.I. Cortez (Univ. de Santiago du Chili), S. Crovisier (Paris XI, Orsay), E. Ghys (UMPA, ENS Lyon), S. Hurder (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), P. Lecalvez (IMJ, Paris VI), R. MacKay (Warwick University), S. Martinez (CMM, Univ. Chile), S. Nechaev (Interdisciplinary Scientific Center Poncelet & Paris XI), S. Petite (LAMFA, Univ. de Picardie Jules Verne), L. Sadun (Univ. of Texas at Austin), S. Van Strien (Imperial College London).
Université Côte d'Azur : M. Argentina (InPhyNi), J. Bec (Lagrange, OCA), P. Chossat (LJAD), P. Coullet (InPhyNi), E. Formenti (I3S), G. Iooss (LJAD), M. Krupa (LJAD), B. Mauroy (LJAD), E. Militon (LJAD), M. Napoletano (OFCE, Sciences Po & KTO Research Centre, SKEMA), R. Veltz (INRIA), P. Vignolo (InPhyNi).
This conference will be held in Nice from 12 to 14 June 2018.
Registery is free but mandatory. DEADLINE: MAY 12, 2018.
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